The New Home is a land art series created by Ajaya which consists of three art pieces. Each art piece in this series represents and uses material from a place close to the artist’s heart. After Ajaya moved from New Delhi to San Francisco, she found herself surrounded by other talented artists and creators who she related to, and among them, she found her new family away from home. Each art piece is named after the location from where the materials for the pieces were collected. The locations in this series are places that Ajaya used to visit with her friends on multiple occasions and each of them are joined to many happy memories for herself and her friends.
Mission Creek
14” x 14”
Gesso, soil, pebbles, and glue on wood
Crissy Field
14'“ x 14”
Sand, sea shells, pebbles, sea stones, glue, gesso, and acrylic medium on carving block
5212 Broadway
32” x 32”
Soil, pebbles, grass, leaves, clay, gesso, acrylic medium, and glue on wood.